Obtaining an education can be an expensive, yet rewarding adventure. For many, it provides an opportunity to obtain better employment or simply to fulfill a long held dream. Once you have gone through the process of standardized testing, applying for schools and programs, and getting accepted, the next, and most important step, is securing the finances to fund your education. There are many types of financial aid available, including scholarships, grants, and loans. There are different ways you may qualify for each type of aid, however keep in mind that loans must be paid back. When applying for financial aid, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) first. This application will review your eligibility for federal aid including Pell grants and subsidized or unsubsidized Stafford loans. Subsidized loans are not charged interest before repayment of the loan begins because the federal government is subsidizing the interest for you during your education. Unsubsidized loans will accrue interest until the full loan balance is paid. The interest is capitalized, meaning that you pay interest on any interest that has already been accrued. One way to minimize how much interest accrues is to pay the interest as it accumulates. For more information about federal financial aid, visit one of the links below:
U.S. Department of Education - http://studentaid.ed.gov/students/publications/student_guide/index.html
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – http://fafsa.ed.gov/
Disability.gov – https://www.disability.gov/education/financial_aid
In addition to federal student aid, there are plenty of programs out there providing scholarships, grants, and other loans, that may provide you with additional financial assistance in preparing for school. One of these resources is an online database known as FastWeb.com. FastWeb.com is free and requires you to register and build a profile before they can provide you with up to date information on financial programs that you may qualify for. The site also provides instructions on how to apply or enroll in these programs. For more information visit FastWeb today at http://www.fastweb.com/.
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