By Robert, Ticket Counselor
Picking up from last week’s article, we will now look at SSI (Supplemental Security Income).
Picking up from last week’s article, we will now look at SSI (Supplemental Security Income).
What happens to my SSI payment when I start working?
As with SSDI, you need to report your income to the Social Security Administration (SSA) each month.
SSI is affected by your income as soon as you start earning a paycheck. Your SSI payment will be reduced based on your gross income – for instance, every $2 you earn above the automatic deduction amount (minimum deduction is $65 dollars but in some cases is slightly more) your SSI payment will be reduced by $1.
$1000 Gross Earnings from employment
$65 Automatic Deduction Amount
$935 Countable Income
$935 Countable Income
Divided by 2
$467.50 Amount SSI can be reduced by.
So based on the example above, your SSI income would be reduced by $467.50 if your gross earnings for the month are equal to $1000.00.
So if your single and currently receiving $674 monthly. By working and earning $1000 monthly, you have increased your income by $532.50 to $1206.50 gross monthly.
If you get to the point where you SSI payments have stopped because of your Income, you have a 5 year period, of expedited reinstatement – whereby if your income falls back below the point where you would be receiving SSI you can call into the Social Security Administration and have your benefits reinstated on a temporary basis for 6 months while they review your case and determine if you are eligible to continue receiving benefits.
Enrolling in TTW through ERS gives you access to our dedicated team of career counselors and all of the services we provide.
Employment Assistance: Are you out of Work or looking for something better? Let us know what you are looking for and we can help locate opportunities for you.
Education Planning Assistance: Thinking about going back to school? We can help research the schools in your area to find the classes you are looking for.
Transportation Assistance: Having trouble getting to and from places, we will look for information for you for Public transportation systems in your area that can get you where you need to go.
Housing Assistance: Need to move? Having trouble paying for your home, we can research alternatives for you finding information on local housing authorities, HUD, low income or affordable housing near you.
Resume Assistance: Worried that your resume is making a bad impression? Let us review it for you. Our counselors can look over your resume and make suggestion on how to improve it to help you make a good impression as you apply to jobs.
Online resources: Our website is host to a wide variety of resources, presentations on, Resume Writing, Cover letters, Building self-confidence, Interviewing and much more.
Still have questions, get in touch let us know and we can explain it in detail over the phone.
Our contact information is available here.
If we don’t have a service or resource that you are currently interested in, let us know and we will work with you to develop those services to meet your needs!